Gerry Itzkoff

Instruments: Violin and Viola

Education: A degree in performance from University of Massachusetts-Amherst

Hometown: Northampton, Massachusetts

Neighborhood: Norwood, Ohio

Joined the CSO in 1993

Inspirations as a musician: I’m inspired by great music, and am continually amazed by the incredible beauty that a few people produced over the last 350 years or so.

Current playlist: Bach, Mozart, The Beatles, Stones, Guided by Voices, Otis Redding, Schubert, Beethoven, Prokofiev, and Bartók, and many more (not necessarily in that order).

Hobbies: Love to walk, listen to all kinds of music, go to great museums; I love to golf badly, and I love keeping in touch with my close friends and family. But nothing beats playing string quartets with 3 other good players. Nothing.

Fun fact about Gerry: I used to play rock and roll a fair amount in my “younger days”, and I’m still a total geek for it. That means I love it!